Garage Sale

The Fall Garage Sale is scheduled for Saturday, October 26th, from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M.  NCTONA takes care of advertising in the Express News and putting signs at some entrances to the neighborhood. A map is compiled of the neighborhood with each street marked that is having at least one sale. Addresses of participants are also included on the map.
  • Email or, call 210-219-4749 by 6pm Wednesday, October 23rd and leave a voice mail with:
  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Purchase a garage sale permit from HEB (This is a must!)
  • We will only call you back if we have a question
  • The maps can be picked up at Save-N-Go on Friday, October 25th.
You do not have to be a NCTONA member to participate in the garage sale, but membership dues provide the funds to make the garage sale possible. NCTONA membership applications are available in the newsletter.  We invite you to join us!

Please Remember:  The NCTONA garage sale is always the last Saturday of April and October.