Membership dues are due!
The time is now to fill out the membership form for 2025 NCTONAMembership. The form can be used for new or renewing members. The fee is $35, less than $3 per month. You can find this membership form on the back page of the NCTONA Notes.
Please make checks payable to NCTONA.
Mail to P.O. Box 701321, San Antonio, TX 78270-1321
If you don't have the form, then please send your check to the above address along with your Name and Street.
Yard of the Month winners! Please go to Events, then select Yard of the Month to see the winners of Porch of the Month for January!
Clean-up Day for NCTONA Adopt-A-Spot! Are you interested in helping keep our neighborhood looking nice? If you would like to help, we host a "clean up" day on the first Saturday of each month. We have made 8:00am our regular time so folks can have the rest of their Saturday. Click on Upcoming Events to see a calendar of all the upcoming cleanup days. Think you can help? Click on Contact Us and select "Cleanup Day" and let us know you are coming so we can have enough supplies for the cleanup.
Wine Down Wednesday! The next Wine Down Wednesday for NCTONA ladies will be on February 5th - at 6:30pm at Lemongrass Thai Restaurant at 16666 SAN PEDRO AVE, SAN ANTONIO, TX 78233. BYOB! Please go to the Events page, select Wine Down Wednesday, and fill out the form with your name and email and RSVP that you would like to join us next time.
Are You Interested in What's Going On with Airport Changes? Click here to read more: https://flysanantonio.com/business/about-saas/environmental-stewardship/
Loop 1604 Expansion Project - Are you interested in the construction along 1604? Then go to this website for more information: https://www.loop1604north.com/
Noise from Planes Flying Over NCTONA Neighborhood - The D9 office has been receiving calls from residents near the NCTONA area and wanted to help address any concerns. Please see the explanation below that illustrates how runway inspections/repairs and even weather patterns can affect flight paths. The activity some residents are experiencing is said to not be permanent but again may persist depending on a number of factors.
Residents are always encouraged to report noise like this to the Airport Noise Hotline: 210-207-3471
From Aviation Department on Friday, Feb. 24:
Review of flight tracks from yesterday indicates that there were a number of flights departing on runway 4/22 (oriented SW to NE) throughout the day yesterday that flew near the Lorence Creek neighborhood. Wind direction was from the north early in the day yesterday. There were two military jets that did fly through the area while winds were from the North. The map below is an example of some of the departure flight tracks (highlighted in green) early in the day yesterday:

Later in the day, the departure routes for flights operating on runway 4/22 changed from a northern direction to the Northeast:

There are occasional military flights that pass through the San Antonio International Airport. They are not stationed here but they can land and get fuel at the Fixed Base Operator’s (FBOs) that provide fuel and aviation services. Because we accept federal grants from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for our runways, we accept flights from all federal agencies, not just the military.
Anyone can have aircraft fly overhead at any time. There are no curfews that prevent early morning or late night flights. The pilot, and the FAA’s Air Traffic controllers determine the direction and safe flight operations of aircraft once they leave the ground. Wind direction and runway availability are factors that determine runway usages for aircraft taking off and landing. As wind direction changes, so does the direction aircraft land and take off at the airport.
Membership dues are due! The time is now to fill out the membership form for 2023 NCTONA Membership. The form can be used for new or renewing members. The fee remains $25, a little more than $2 per month. You can find this membership form on the back page of the NCTONA Notes.
Please make checks payable to NCTONA.
Mail to P.O. Box 701321, San Antonio, TX 78270-1321
If you don't have the form, then please send your check to the above address along with your Name and Street.
Adopt-A-Spot - NCTONA has applied for, and been given 2 Adopt-A-Spots - A picture of each sign is below. The white/blue sign is on Henderson Pass and the green sign is on Thousand Oaks. A clean-up day is held once a month, on the first Saturday. Go to the "Contact Us" page, and pick "Cleanup Day" from the list - and let us know if you are interested in helping keep our neighborhood beautiful!
On Henderson Pass:

On Thousand Oaks:

Good Neighbor Deed
Do you know of a neighbor who has performed a good deed lately? Maybe saved a cat from a tree or a neighbor taking a walk and noticing you left your car lights on and letting you know? Well, write a short note about it and go to the Contact Us page, and select "Good Neighbor Deed" so we can include it in the Newsletter!