The North Central Thousand Oaks Neighborhood Association (NCTONA) has been in existence since May 1994. Since that time, NCTONA has been increasing its activities and doing things that benefit the neighborhood. NCTONA activities include:
- Holding two General Membership Meetings in Spring and Fall. Votes are taken to elect members to the Board of Directors in May, to effect By-Law changes, and for any other official business. Ordinarily, a speaker presents information on relevant subjects and a social is held after the meeting.
- Meeting monthly (Board of Directors) to carry out the goals of the association.
- Hiring a lawn service to mow the perimeter and entrances to the neighborhood.
- Having two garage sales a year in the Spring and Fall (last Saturday in April and October) for all residents (members and non-members). NCTONA pays for the advertising in the San Antonio Express-News Classifieds and in the Prime Time newspapers distributed in the San Antonio area; provides signs for the entrances to our neighborhood; compiles a list of participating homes with a map of the area for customers; and arranges for a charitable organization to pick up unsold items the week following the sale.
- Publishing a bi-monthly newsletter that is mailed to approximately 2,000 residences within our boundaries and our advertisers in February, April, June, August, October and December. The newsletter provides communication to all residents (members and non-members), publicizes the association, and encourages membership.
- Sponsoring a holiday decorating contest in December with recognition for different categories.
- Sponsoring a Yard of the Month program in March through November and a Porch of the Month program for January and February.
- Providing a Welcome Packet to new residents.
- Patrolling of the neighborhood by Cellular on Patrol (COP) on a regular basis.
- Supporting National Night Out--America's Night Out Against Crime on the first Tuesday in October each year.
- Providing signs at all association entrances to announce association activities, such as membership meetings, membership drives, and garage sales.
- Encouraging Neighborhood Watch participation for individual streets.
- Coordinating with the City of San Antonio, City Council District 9, and the San Antonio Police Department to make our concerns known or to resolve neighborhood problems.
On behalf of the association, we welcome new residents to the area. We hope that new and current residents will consider joining NCTONA. Even though members and non-members alike benefit from these activities, we hope that you see something worth supporting by joining.